Jumat, 16 November 2012


HDR EXPRESS 2.1.0 BUILD 10024 FINAL adalah software pengolah gambar dengan efect Fotographer profesional. dengan antar muka yang mudah, sehingga dapt anda dapt menambahkan beberapa efect wrna dan penambahn lainnya dalam sekejap mata.

We can do it for you or set your own!
You�ll get great one-click results with our included HDR presets or you can create your own presets to define your personal photographic look.

The most powerful HDR engine available today... period.
As with our flagship HDR Expose every operationin HDR Express works in full 32-bit mode. That means your colors will be the most vibrant, true and beautiful.

One-Click Ease.
HDR Express is the game-changer in HDR software. It demystifies HDR photography by giving you easy controls and presets to create realistic or stylized HDR photos in the blink of an eye, all in full 32-bit color precision.

Langkah Aktivasi
  1. Install Software
  2. Gunakan Crack untuk aktivasi
  3. enjoy

==> HDR EXPRESS 2.1.0 BUILD 10024 FINAL  31 MB
password :
semoga bermanfaat guys


kuyhAa� androiD�?

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