Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Punya HP nokia gak sob..? terus pengen di jadikan modem..? atau mau smsn sambil otak-atik komputer.... nie solusiya NOKIA OVIE SUITE 3.6.36 atau NOKIA SUITE 3.6.36 adalah software management data besutan NOKIA yang di buat untuk sobat menghubungkan Ponsel nokia anda dengan komputer kesayangan.. tertarik.. cekidot..
==>NOKIA SUITE 3.6.36 90 MB

Important feature of software Nokia Suite 3.6.36 Final :
Simply install the easy to use and identify the mobile drives
Send files of any format, without limits
High-speed file transfer
Mobile and SMS inbox access and copy writing through computer
To access the phone memory and memory card
Photo sharing
Sharing Clips
Cable connection through your phone
SMS or phone calls through computer
Easier access to e-mail and Internet
New in this version of the shell
Qablt important that GPS enabled SIM card with your computer, Internet access (at speeds before and several times up and in Diyala D SSL or WiMAX)
User interface is very attractive and lightweight
Compatibility with different versions of Windows, including the popular Windows 7
semoga bermanfaat guys..
kuyhAa� androiD�?
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